Friday, October 4, 2013

Even in the Storm There is Peace

Do you ever wake up just feeling so weary and burdened?

 Sometimes when we arise in the morning the devil is right there to remind us of all the hurtful things of yesterday and days past and it causes us to just feel alone and helpless. Some days it can be so frustrating to even get up but we know our family needs us. 

I want to encourage all of you, before you even let your feet hit the ground, grab your bible and read, even if it is just a verse or two. Pray for your family and how you can apply what you read to your day. Sometimes we just get so overwhelmed with life and where we are that we forget that the one who died for us and walked this life knows exactly where we are and what we need. He is just waiting with open arms for us to fall into Him and let Him guide us and give us peace through the storm. There is a saying "sometimes God doesn't always calm the storm, but calms His child through the storm." I'm not sure who wrote it but it's so true. Sometimes my life is a struggle and I know that a lot of my readers probably think I have it all together but that isn't true I'm human just like you and I fall just as you do but that is why I started this blog to encourage you that even when we fall we have to get back up and keep on going. You can come here and share how God lifted you up and encourage someone going through the same thing that they will make it.

I pray that you can be encouraged here no matter what you are going through. Know I will be praying for you if you need it, I'm here to walk besides you in the storm because we need community and friendship. God created us to help one another, to serve others when they need it. You never know what the person next to you is going through so always offer a smile, open a door and reach out to those around you even if they reject you, God knows and sees all things.
Are you struggling today? Do you have a testimony of how God has calmed you through a storm? What bible study do you use? When is your quiet time with God?

I'm also linking up today at Christian Mommy Blogger for Fellowship Fridays, come by and see what others are talking about.

Be Blessed,

Regina Cozad

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy October!

Happy October to all of my wonderful readers!

Thanks for coming by and standing with me as I try to share what God has laid on my heart to share.
This month holds so many things for me, some are hurts and painful memories from the past that try to drag me down, while some are happy memories and some are just things that have to be done like the remodeling, fall cleaning, and getting ready for my little newborn baby girl that is due to make an appearance in December!

What does October hold for your family? I'm super excited about Fall and getting my house smelling like Fall is here! That is always the one thing I look forward to each year, I get excited walking into Walmart or any store really and seeing all the Fall colors, decor and of course the seasonal candles (oh how I love candles). We are in the midst of remodeling and boy can I tell you my home is some what upside down but we are getting there, one day at a time. 

Fall means family and fun, getting back into routine, and really getting back into step with Jesus. I have that struggle that we all do, finding that quiet time to just settle down with my Bible and just falling at Jesus's Feet and saying Daddy, what is it you really want from me? I want to fall into His arms, the arms that were tied to the cross, I want to hold the hands that were pierced for my sins. I need to be in the arms of the One who died for me. During Summer time I read my bible and I pray but it isn't like I really want too, it's always rush rush and to me that just isn't good enough. I need to really hear what God is wanting for me and for me as a wife to be a better leader at home and helpmate to my wonderful God given husband (sometimes I wonder how in the world did I get him, I definitely didn't deserve such an amazing man of God!!!) If we get too busy for God, then we are definitely busier than He ever intended for us to be. Let's learn to lean on Him and make sure that our time with him isn't out weighed by the things of this world! 

I am praying that we use this fall time to get back into step with God and really let Him lead and shine His glory on our lives and marriages. Let's learn to let Him show us what He wants, instead of always going after what we think is best for us and what we want for us. May God lead you today! 
What are you doing this Fall to get back close to God? How are you preparing you home for Fall? I would love to hear from you!

Be Blessed,

Regina Cozad

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