Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hey friends!!

 So, my last post was a little over a year ago, after that post our life was literally turned upside down.

September 11th, 2023, we started our new school year with a curriculum that took a lot of work from not just the kids but me as well. It was going great, and for the first time in all my homeschool years we had everything organized and functional when we started. If you are a mom who homeschools then you know how excited I was 😂. However, that very weekend, we had to take a weekend trip 3 hours away to my mother's that was unexpected.

Little did I know this would be the Lord beginning to shift our life again. During this trip, my husband and I felt the Lord ending our current season and nudging us to move back to my hometown to help out at the church where I grew up, where we got married, dedicated our children and our son was baptized. 

That move was all God ordain, we hit every obstacle along the journey of getting our home ready to sell. Our water well went out and had to be replaced. Our buyer prolonged our closing 2 months. It was a very stressful and absolutely hectic time. We also knew the devil was definitely not happy, but we continued to pray and move forward.

We moved back mid-October and begun the search for where the Lord would have us settle while living with my mom, who also lives in a little community of just our family. 

It was a very taxing 5 months until we bought property. We have since purchased a home to go on the property and moved in, but there is work to be done. The housing market is absolutely crazy right now, no one can really afford to buy even with great credit scores due to high interest rates. We were blessed to buy our home and not have a house note.

I also started a job in the corporate world that is not far from our home. Thankfully the hours work great with our homeschool schedule. The Lord knew I would need to be working because 3 months into working, my husband got laid off due to our economy. 

We changed curriculum again this year because we learned that our kids are not a lot of bookwork homeschoolers. If you haven't looked into Acellus-Academy or Power Homeschool, I highly suggest it! We absolutely love it. The curriculum is great for catching and holding your child's attention! 

So, this is just an update on our life, so many lessons were learned in this last year. I will be posting as I feel the Lord leading me to share. 

I pray all of you are doing well. I will continue this blog in the full intent God had me start it, just bear with me as life has been extremely challenging for us. I'd love to hear from you, feel free to reach out.

                                                            Be blessed friends,

                                                           Regina Cozad

Regina Cozad | Linktree

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Be Passionate not fearful

Holy Moly,

Yall! I literally started this blog post and quit back in 2020, 
and since then our life has definitely been a rollercoaster ride!

Logging in today to just see where my stats were and if I really wanted to continue my blog, 
I came across these words! Definitely a sign of confirmation that this where I am supposed to be!

"Stop being stuck in the I am not good enough mindset. Fear will paralyze your life 
and make you think that I you are not good enough to accomplish your goals in life that you have set. 
Having Goals and working towards them is the way to work towards the success you are seeking."

So here I am, I have gained so much insight and life lessons since 2020! 
So welcome back to my little space, my little slice of Heaven on Earth!

Stay tuned, new posts are coming your way! 

We will be starting our new Homeschool year one month from now, any other homeschooling mommas out there? What curriculum are you using this year? This is year 10 for me!

Regina Cozad

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Be Open to His Will

Hello to all my readers and guests!

So today I want to just want to share from my heart. Life can be so busy and so hard at times. We can feel like we are in a power struggle between chaos and true living. So since I last blogged our life took a totally different direction than the one I thought we were going in. I was praying for my husband to come back to God, I was praying for strength and direction for our home, my kids and myself, I wanted to see our business take off in the time I thought and then in September all the I thoughts and things I wanted just seemed to crash. God was saying you have been praying and now I will answer in the way I see fit. It was a completely different answer than what I thought would ever take place. I say all this to show you that in praying always be open to what God wants.

The answers to my 3 years of praying came with us moving to South Louisiana, we began attending a different church, and my whole family is doing amazing! I never dreamed we would move from the small town we lived in (I grew up there) but we did! The move involved leaving my family that I had been near my whole life. It has been an adjustment for sure for myself and my kids because we were all so close. We bought a beautiful new home and a camper. Our business has a better opportunity of growth where we are, and things are going great. I feel like I can be a better person and give more encouragement now that we moved. I have a more focused vision of what I want to do for God, my blog and our business now. I guess sometimes you have to relocate and refocus to see things from God's prospective. I wasn't really focused on what God wanted to do as much as I was focused on what I wanted to see Him do.

I prayed Jeremiah 29:11, I asked God for a breakthrough for our family but I didn't really allow my mind to focus on what that would mean for our family. When praying always be open and willing to allow whatever it will take to accomplish that to happen. Sometimes it involves hard steps and the breaking of your will but I'm so thankful I was open minded and took that leap of faith into the unknown. He never takes something away without replacing it with something better. I pray this blog has been an encouragement to someone to keep praying for that lost loved one, for that difficult job situation, for whatever you are needing to see a breakthrough in. God is Able to do whatever it is you need done.

Be Blessed,

Regina Cozad

Friday, August 2, 2019

Trusting God in Uncertainity

 So I wanted to share a little of what has been going on in our lives. So in February of last year my husband got a promotion at work (totally deserved) and we got to come home. He still travels and we still go some but not near like we use too. So that has been a major adjustment and sometimes I miss the road life after traveling for 5 years.

 It has taught me to just trust that God knows what He is doing because it's been a battle. The kids had to adjust and sometimes I think they miss the traveling and all being together in our camper because being home we have way too much time on our hands and not a good enough routine so momma has went into schedule overload mode trying to get us a better schedule for this coming school year that starts September the 2nd! We are still homeschooling and using Abeka! I absolutely love the curriculum and the fact that we can do a 12 month schedule and have a day off each week to just doing some schooling the unschooled way is awesome.

 The adjusting back to being in one place has been hard and not being with my husband alot has really been hard so I try to make sure when he is home that life sort of goes on pause and we spend as much time with daddy as possible. We do things together and try to spend a lot of one on one time as a couple and a family until work calls for the next job.

 So for the last year and 6 months all that has gone on here has been adjusting to home life, fixing up things at our home that had been neglected for a while, adjusting the kids, visiting family and just trying to find our way back into a settled environment (Some days I just want to sneak back into the camper).

Learning to trust in the uncertain times in life is never easy. I want to know what is coming next or where I will be in life a month from now but it never happens that way. Sometimes I just have moments of worry or doubt and you know why? I'm human! We lost our furbaby Lucky of 7 years this past weekend to an immune disorder and life has been a little harder but I say this all to say this. Life is hard, things come our way that isn't always our plans but if we just Trust God through it all and allow His leading we will see His plan. He is more concerned about the journey and progress than the destination. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Until next time....

Be Blessed,

Regina Cozad

Friday, January 26, 2018

Hello There!!!!


  Well Hello to all my readers! I do hope you all have missed me as much as I have missed updating you all on the little things in our life. I first want to apologize that you haven’t heard anything out of me for almost 2 years. It's January of 2018, Isn't that just amazing! We have welcomed into our family a precious baby girl named Olyvia back in April of 2017. We are still using Abeka for our homeschooling curriculum, we have a 3rd grader and a preschooler this year & of course with our little one it’s been an interesting year.

  We are currently in South Texas on a job and it’s absolutely pretty here. We are about 15 miles from the beach & unfortunately it’s not beach weather. We have decided that this year as a family we are going to be working on just letting God lead us where He wants us and not allow negative things to bring us down not just in the physical but also in our spiritual lives. We are attending an awesome church here that is doing the Daniel Fast and are having Bible Studies to help you grow your faith and trust in God.  I have decided to try and start blogging more & just pouring out whatever I feel God has laid on my heart to share. I do hope you all will join in with me! I’m excited to be back after too long of a break but I was praying on what exactly God has for this blog. 

What are you working on in your family & personal life this year?

Be Blessed,

Regina Cozad

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

5 Ways to Study the Bible

You know it's been tugging at your heart but finding time has been literally impossible or so it seems. It's time to start even if it is small steps, study little by little but get into God's word.

I want to share with you just a few things that you can do to study the Bible, it will make a difference.

1. Use a bible app that will read for you. We use Youversion. (it also has a bible story app for kids)
It will read to you and you can highlight the verses that catch your attention so that you can come back to it and really study that verse. Every night we read about 3 chapters together so it is fun for the kids to hear someone other than me reading.

2. Those verses that you highlighted or the verses that you have been having on your heart, write them, memorize them. They will be your comfort through the hard times. Writing something is almost always a win for me to remember it, like when I get to the store and remember my list I wrote still on the refrigerator :)! In school they made us write things we wanted to remember for the test so I brought that into my adult life.

3. Prayer! Praying before you start reading, ask God to show you what you are reading. Ask God to help you to be able to really get what He wants you to get from these scriptures. I don't just want it to be said I read the bible, but I want to know it so that I can use it as my sword and shield in this world.

4. B.R.E.A.D Chart and or any daily reading chart. Our church is using the B.R.E.A.D. chart this year and we are loving it. They have an adult chart and children's. We do both so that way the kids are getting something and so are we. Right now we are reading about David and King Saul (always an excited story).

5. Get a friend or family member involved. Studying together is always good because you may see something I didn't and the same for me. It gives you an accountability partner.

I hope these tips help out. They should only be a starting point. Pray and ask God how you can further learn His word and apply it to your daily walk. I hope you are all having a great day!

How do you study the Bible? What tips can you give others reading today?

Be Blessed,

Regina Cozad

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