Saturday, February 7, 2015

Learning to follow God's Will

Do you ever feel like God's way is just too hard and you would rather just coast along doing what feels easiest to you? 

Hello everyone! 

I want to share a little of what is on my heart on the this night. I sometimes feel like we try to take the "easy" road when God has called us to do something but in all reality it isn't the easy road because we are pushing against the very thing God has called us to do. God called us to be parents, spouses, disciples for Him, and many other things in this life. Sometimes instead of us seeing the joy in those things, we tend to complain about how "hard" it is but what we don't realize is that we are fighting against God's will!

 One night I was up and just couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried and realized that God was trying to show me something about myself, I had become this grouchy person who seemed to snap at the drop of a hat towards my kids and my husband. Did I intentionally become this person? The answer is no, sometimes life has a way of just helping us unintentionally show our fleshly side. I have never been one to snap easily so I immediately called out to God and said Lord I can't keep this up, I need your help! I don't want to be known as the parent/spouse who constantly yells and is harsh! I laid everything on Him, all the worries of my day to day life and struggles that I had allowed to overcome ME and you know I didn't hear a voice right away but I felt peace. For the first time in a while I felt like it was all going to work out and daily I see that shown before me. You know I realized that as soon as I allowed God to just retake that driver seat and have His way in my life, everything balanced out. God is our balance and if we are out of sync with Him then we can expect our life to be chaotic and a tad bit insane but when He's in control it's much easier.

No I can't promise you that you won't have road blocks and bumps along the way because the devil is out there seeking to destroy anyone that He can but I can promise that as long as you are in sync with God and He's driving, It will be a lot easier than if you had continued to fight against Him and not do what He's called you to do.

What are some ways God has gotten your attention before? How have you allowed God to work through you in those hard times? I'd love to hear from you so leave me a comment. 

I will be writing more on this subject and more in the days to come, God has really been giving me some things that I feel He wants me to share with you. Be sure to subscribe and tell others to join us! Let's have a great 2015 here at Love and Marriage!

Be Blessed,

Regina Cozad

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