You know it's been tugging at your heart but finding time has been literally impossible or so it seems. It's time to start even if it is small steps, study little by little but get into God's word.
I want to share with you just a few things that you can do to study the Bible, it will make a difference.
1. Use a bible app that will read for you. We use Youversion. (it also has a bible story app for kids)
It will read to you and you can highlight the verses that catch your attention so that you can come back to it and really study that verse. Every night we read about 3 chapters together so it is fun for the kids to hear someone other than me reading.
2. Those verses that you highlighted or the verses that you have been having on your heart, write them, memorize them. They will be your comfort through the hard times. Writing something is almost always a win for me to remember it, like when I get to the store and remember my list I wrote still on the refrigerator :)! In school they made us write things we wanted to remember for the test so I brought that into my adult life.
3. Prayer! Praying before you start reading, ask God to show you what you are reading. Ask God to help you to be able to really get what He wants you to get from these scriptures. I don't just want it to be said I read the bible, but I want to know it so that I can use it as my sword and shield in this world.
4. B.R.E.A.D Chart and or any daily reading chart. Our church is using the B.R.E.A.D. chart this year and we are loving it. They have an adult chart and children's. We do both so that way the kids are getting something and so are we. Right now we are reading about David and King Saul (always an excited story).
5. Get a friend or family member involved. Studying together is always good because you may see something I didn't and the same for me. It gives you an accountability partner.
I hope these tips help out. They should only be a starting point. Pray and ask God how you can further learn His word and apply it to your daily walk. I hope you are all having a great day!
How do you study the Bible? What tips can you give others reading today?
Be Blessed,
Regina Cozad
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Thursday, March 3, 2016
10 Must haves when living in a RV
Hello everyone! As you all know we travel in our camper a
lot because of my husband’s job. Today I want to share with you all 10 few
things that makes it more like home and lot more convenient. I have been wanting
to do this post for some time but life has been so busy!
My crockpot is used more than anything else
probably. I love quick and easy crockpot meals and especially during the
summer. It definitely helps to not have my camper heated from the stove.
Command Hooks! They are so easy to use and can hold
many different things since there are different sizes to choose from. I have
them by the door to hold keys, I use them to hang things on the wall like my
broom and mop, calendars and even pictures frames.
My shark rocket ultra-light upright vacuum is a
must for the camper. It is small and fits under my bed and can suck the life
out of the carpet…ok not really but it surely does suck up dirt you didn’t even
know was there!
My fry daddy is small but does the job for our
family and I easily store it in my drawer under my couch. It is a must if you
don’t want to deal with grease in a pot, storing greasing somewhere else or
having to throw it out to use your pot for something else.
My tea pot is a must because my kids love sweet tea and it’s
cheaper for us to make 3 gallons every few days then buy it and it just taste so much better.
Is your shower and/or tub dark? Ours was and
even with two lights in the bathroom it just wasn’t helping so we bought a ledbar light that is battery operated and used Velcro to put it on the ceiling in
the tub. Also in the shower we upgraded our shower head, The Spa Oxygenics shower head is awesome!
If your camper doesn’t have a washer/dryer then
laundry is usually done at a laundromat. We upgraded from the flimsy cloth
baskets to a rolling hard plastic one….definitely helps a lot!
Our bed wasn’t the most comfortable but the help
of a 4” mattress pad we definitely rest better.
Trips to the store can be annoying and
especially when the nearest store isn’t so close. In Ohio the closest store was
20 miles away. Thankfully we had bought a Haier small deep freezer to go in the
one spot that was open in our camper. So we don’t have to go shopping every day.
And last but not least our Bosch single serve coffee maker is a definite. We absolutely love it and the coffee is available
on Amazon.
What are somethings you have to have in your camper? We love
our home away from home and try to always find ways to make every inch of our
space useful. I’ll be sharing more later. I want to do some more organizing.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
A Prayerful New Beginning
First off I have to say WOW! I signed in tonight to just
give an update on a few things in our life and noticed that even though I haven’t
been able to post a lot since August 2015 I have 10,4** page views! I
appreciated all of you that take the time to come by and that share my blog
with others. I want this to be a place of community and a safe haven for those
that are struggling with the everyday battles that life can throw at us. Feel
free to comment and be transparent, I long to help you and who knows, others
going through the same thing may want to hear that they aren’t alone in the
trial. So this year let’s get to talking!
We have had a lot going on since I have last posted. I took
some time off from blogging to really search the mind of God for this blog and
for somethings in my personal life. The end of August we went to Ohio on a two
month job and then ended up in Texas (both places had no reception to post). I
plan to share a little about it this year, we went to see the Amish (yay) while
in Ohio and it was amazing! Then from November to Now it’s been some tough
months, God had me in a trial to strengthen me (or that’s how I look at it).
All of those months have really opened my eyes to what God’s purpose for me is.
I really want to be real with you all and fully transparent, so that you all
see I’m human like you and I have problems too, but with God’s leading we can
make it through even the darkest trials! I will be sharing more about my trials that has brought about these new changes as God shows me it is time to share them so just sit tight!
I have been reading some awesome books while I was off on my
break and I can’t wait to share them with you so that you can see how they can
help you organize the stressful parts of life whether physical or mental. Some times books just happen to enlighten us! Yes I love books!
Thanks again for being patient with me and hanging out
while I tried to figure out where to go with this blog! I didn’t want to delete
it because I knew I had those that come here for encouragement even though they
don’t comment and I didn’t want to disappoint them when they were reaching out
for breath in that trial of life that could’ve caused them to give up. So here’s
to a great new year about life, from Jesus to RVing to parenting!
What are somethings you have been doing to better organize your home and mental life?
What are somethings you have been doing to better organize your home and mental life?
Be Blessed,
Regina Cozad
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