Are you wanting to step out in your marriage and take a step that will strength you marriage? Will take a challenge with me and be blessed by an amazing life changing book by an awesome man?
Starting May 13th I will begin blogging on my experience with the Love & Respect Book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, and I would love for each of you to do this with me. It is available at most books stores and also for kindle and ebook. Everyday we will read a chapter and search deep within ourselves and our marriage to see what we can do to strength what we have and beat the statistic that divorce happens to everyone, It doesn't have to, we make the difference. We will hold each other accountable and see what God will has in store for us.
Are you interested in a better marriage? Will you take this challenge with me? Tell your friends and family! Get everyone you know invovled!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Quiet moments...Grow in God
Today has been a lazy day because it is cold and dreary out and that just makes me want to snuggle on the couch with my nieces who are here visiting. It's in these moments that I can grow in God by reading my Bible and praying. Sometimes I think we as wives get too busy doing others things that we neglect these moments that are so important to our spiritual lives, our marriages, and our children's lives.
Our spiritual needs is the most important thing and when we neglect it, it is usually at that time that everything begins to just fall apart. I want to encourage you to take time to just draw near to God and really let Him guide you. I have really put all my trust in Him over the last 2 months because I honestly don't know how else I would be standing. I found out some awesome news on the 16th and I can't wait to share it but I have to wait til after the 30th, but I know it was truly God's doing. When we truly surrender self and let God have His way, our life will bring forth things we never thought possible! Keep believing for God's will in your life and family.
What are you doing to grow in God? What are some things God has blessed you with as a result of giving Him all of you?
Be Blessed,
Regina Cozad
Our spiritual needs is the most important thing and when we neglect it, it is usually at that time that everything begins to just fall apart. I want to encourage you to take time to just draw near to God and really let Him guide you. I have really put all my trust in Him over the last 2 months because I honestly don't know how else I would be standing. I found out some awesome news on the 16th and I can't wait to share it but I have to wait til after the 30th, but I know it was truly God's doing. When we truly surrender self and let God have His way, our life will bring forth things we never thought possible! Keep believing for God's will in your life and family.
What are you doing to grow in God? What are some things God has blessed you with as a result of giving Him all of you?
Be Blessed,
Regina Cozad
Thursday, April 18, 2013
God is always there
Hello to all my readers! I first want to say that I'm sorry you haven't heard from me in the past 2 weeks. We had chicks hatching, dr appointments, and a lot more going on and it seemed I just couldn't find the time to get on and really connect here. I have been praying about God's will here so please if any of you have found help here, let me know, don't be afraid to reach out because I do check to see if anyone responds.
Today is a new day and I do plan to blog more and really be a help where I can. I am not perfect and I do not proclaim to be, I'm striving just as you are to be a better wife and christian. I stumble and fall just like everyone because like you I'm human, but with Christ walking besides us we will survive. I want to say thanks to everyone who comes here and shares the word about what I do here. I appreciate you.
Today I woke up with a little something on my heart that I want to share with all of you. I have been very emotional the past few weeks and I'm guessing it is all the stress from all I have been going through and I have to say I had moments where I just wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there but God brought me through. Instead of crawling into the hole, I hit my knees and prayed about it, God helped me through and I now see that He has a reason for everything He lets us go through. He never gives us more than we can bare even though sometimes we want to ask "really God?" because we feel we are going to collapse. No matter what you are going through always trust that God is right there leading you through.
Your spouse always knows when something is wrong so enlighten him and let him help you pray about the situation, sometimes we want to take it out on them forgetting that God put them there to lead us, protect us and take care of us.
I pray today for those struggling with something that God will lead you through and send you joy, peace and happiness in the midst of the struggle and I pray you will allow your spouse to help you overcome the situation.
Be Blessed,
Regina Cozad
Today is a new day and I do plan to blog more and really be a help where I can. I am not perfect and I do not proclaim to be, I'm striving just as you are to be a better wife and christian. I stumble and fall just like everyone because like you I'm human, but with Christ walking besides us we will survive. I want to say thanks to everyone who comes here and shares the word about what I do here. I appreciate you.
Today I woke up with a little something on my heart that I want to share with all of you. I have been very emotional the past few weeks and I'm guessing it is all the stress from all I have been going through and I have to say I had moments where I just wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there but God brought me through. Instead of crawling into the hole, I hit my knees and prayed about it, God helped me through and I now see that He has a reason for everything He lets us go through. He never gives us more than we can bare even though sometimes we want to ask "really God?" because we feel we are going to collapse. No matter what you are going through always trust that God is right there leading you through.
Your spouse always knows when something is wrong so enlighten him and let him help you pray about the situation, sometimes we want to take it out on them forgetting that God put them there to lead us, protect us and take care of us.
I pray today for those struggling with something that God will lead you through and send you joy, peace and happiness in the midst of the struggle and I pray you will allow your spouse to help you overcome the situation.
Be Blessed,
Regina Cozad
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Our Marriage is Our Garden
We have been working alot in our garden getting it tilled and ready to plant and it made me think of how our marriage is alot like a garden.
You have to get the grass and weeds out of the soil because if not it will be a battle when the crop comes, just like in your marriage you have to eliminate all the friends who are just there to try and see your marriage fail, the negative attitudes and selfishness that will slowly destroy what God created. Galatians 7-9 says (Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.) so we must be cautious as to what we sow in our garden of marriage.
Sowing good seeds in your home such as:
- the beatitudes found in Matthew 5:3-11,
- the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (Galatians 5:22-23),
- praying together for God's will in your marriage and home,
- Doing your duty as the wife of your home without being told.
What seeds will you start sowing in your marriage this week that will make your marriage a better harvest then if left the way it is right now? Do you need someone to help you pray about a situation in your life if so leave a short prayer request and I and the Love and Marriage community will be praying with you.
I hope you all have a great Tuesday!!!! May God be with all of you!
Be Blessed,
Regina Cozad
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